More Bicentenary Preparations Underway

Building on our first workshop back in July, in September we held a second workshop to prepare ourselves for the Bicentenary.
We started with a beautiful devotional program with quotations by or about the Bab. You can download the program as a powerpoint and adjust as needed if you want to use it yourself.
Then we discussed what our goals are for our Bicentenary celebrations.

We learned that when we focus on what is important, instead of getting bogged down by the details, it can feel simpler.

Next we read some of the guidance about the process before and after the Bicentenary, and filled in a worksheet to help us determine what steps we may need to take.
After that we heard about some of the programs that are already being planned, to be inspired by the work others are doing.

We also reviewed some of the amazing resources already available to help us in our plans.
Here are a few to check out:
Another resource we shared was the beautiful invitation created by Lua using artwork by Joe Paczkowski. Get in touch with the Bicentenary taskforce if you want a copy of the document so you can make prints; or let us know if you need help making copies.

After morning tea, we discussed what barriers we sometimes face when planning celebrations. Then we viewed a lovely powerpoint presentations with quotations for inspiration about overcoming such barriers.

We had some more conversation practice.

Last we enjoyed closing devotions, along with a singalong with the piece composed during the first Bicentenary Workshop to a quotation of the Bab.

We hope the friends left this workshop with some practical resources as well as spiritual inspiration. It is a true gift to live during this special time period in the history of the Faith.

If you haven’t already checked out our review of the first Bicentenary workshop, follow the link below: