We warmly welcome you to the official website of the Bahá’ís of Townsville!
Here you can learn more about the principles of the Bahá’í Faith, arrange a meeting with some of the believers living in or around the Townsville area, or join one of the many ongoing activities throughout the city.
The Bahá’í Faith is established in more than 100,000 localities in virtually every country and territory around the world. The Bahá’í Community of Townsville is a small but vibrant community of dedicated individuals and families, working to promote unity and fellowship throughout Townsville and surrounding regions.
In keeping with all Bahá’ís around the globe, we oppose all forms of prejudice, and strive to put into practice Bahá’u’lláh’s teaching that:
“Ye are the fruits of one tree, the leaves of one branch, the flowers of one garden…. Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship.” – Bahá’u’lláh
Check out the menus at the top of the page to find events in the area or to contact the Townsville Bahá’ís. To visit the official website of the worldwide community please go to: ww.bahai.org.